Blue Guardian IT Professional Services (BGIT) is part of the By Light team that was recently awarded the MHV Core Development task order by the Department of Veterans Affairs. This task order provides software development and systems engineering services that will drive new innovations that support the delivery of critical healthcare services to our Nation’s
Blue Guardian IT teamed with VetsEZ and Booz Allen Hamilton (BAH) in an effort to capture the Department of Veterans Affairs – Veteran Health Information Exchange (VHIE) Partner Integration and Sustainment task order. It was announced January 25th, 2018 that the VetsEZ team was awarded the task. Additionally, we were informed that our technical proposal
Late last year it was brought to our attention that Blackbox is an internationally trademarked name. Though we believed we had grounds for being able to continue using Blackbox Enterprise Solutions (BBES) as the name of our company, we took this as an opportunity to re-evaluate and align the naming of our company to the